Tom Spurgeon's Web site of comics news, reviews, interviews and commentary

April 21, 2005

Do March Figures Show Second-Tier of Decent Sellers Forming in Comic Shops?

The business analysis site has come forward with their suite of monthly numbers, including a basic sales analysis, a trends analysis, and then a list of top graphic novels and top comic books both with sales estimates. The trend towards high-performing top titles continues this month, with the lower-priced Countdown to Infinite Crisis doing as well as expected and New Avengers continuing to put up big numbers.

I thought a potentially more interesting number might be found at the 25th position, where this year's comic sold about 20,000 copies more than the comic holding that slot last year. Given a much more modest increase at position 50 and even a slight decline at 100, that could be a sign of a slight surge for titles out of the top three or four titles, albeit with about as much weight as throwing out a couple of numbers brings.
#10 -- 86,777 ('05) Vs. 86,431 ('04)
#25 -- 71, 230 ('05) Vs. 53,549 ('04)
#50 -- 39,580 ('05) Vs. 36,700 ('04)
#100 -- 20,313 ('05) Vs. 21,993 ('04)

Also, is it my imagination or are book-format sales becoming more responsive to movie tie-ins than comic book sales in the same market?
posted 10:47 am PST | Permalink

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