Tom Spurgeon's Web site of comics news, reviews, interviews and commentary

July 23, 2007

Missed It: Spain’s High Court Orders the Seizure of El Jueves Issue

imageAs reported widely last Friday afternoon after it broke on International wires, Judge Juan del Olmo of Spain's High Court ordered the seizure of the latest issue of the satirical, cartoon-heavy magazine El Jueves. At issue is a cartoon depicting Prince Felipe saying that sex was the closest thing he would do to working, commentary about royal idleness and the country's new policy of paying couples for each new baby. The reason given for the seizure is the perceived insult to the royal family, which if can be worked into a slandering charge carries a potential two-year prison sentence.

The court also called for the magazine to provide the name of the contributing cartoonist.

There's a short response on the front page of the magazine's site expressing incredulity at the situation, noting that not only have they lived by the principle of free expression, they've done hundreds of cartoons and even a book depicting the royal family for purposes of satire. What I'm hearing from readers is a similar general expression of disbelief, for the reasons above and also because Spain has been for the most part free of such censorship battles.
posted 3:14 am PST | Permalink

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