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Five For Friday #81—Crafty
posted June 23, 2006

Five For Friday #81 -- Name Five Living Cartoonists Whom You Admire For Their Craft Skills
(suggested by Eric Reynolds)

1. Steve Rude
2. Gerhard
3. Jerry Scott
4. Patrick McDonnell
5. Jim Woodring

This Subject Is Now Closed. Thanks, and If I Didn't Get Yours During the Time Allotted, Please Re-Send.

Roger Langridge

Five cartoonists whose drawing skills make me ugly with jealousy:

William Van Horn
Bruce Timm
Hilary Barta
Dave Cooper
Craig Thompson


Fred Hembeck

1. Jerry Ordway
2. Dan Clowes
3. Terry Austin
4. Alex Nino
5. Mike Zeck


Christopher Duffy

1. James Kochalka--have you noticed how good his art has gotten? And the inking? This guy has been honing! I'm not kidding!
2. Klaus Janson--never phones it in, though many of his "name" level do.
3. Eduardo Barreto--I always find it pleasant to read a story he's drawn. Almost doesn't matter what the story is.
4. Terry LaBan--I've seen his art go from good to....better! Drawing a strip every day has turned from a guy who can draw to a guy who can cartoon! He just did a "fiona of the felines" for the Sept. Nickelodeon magazine that's so perfectly done I feel like kissing it. (But I won't)
5. Todd Klein--almost all lettering in Marvel and DC books is annoying to me these days. It just looks so hacked out and perfunctory. Used to be ALL lettering was by top notch guys, now there's just Todd and few others. (What happened to Gaspar?)


Marc Sobel

1. Peter Kuper
2. David Mack
3. Teddy Kristiansen
4. Chris Ware
5. Jason

Honorable mentions:
6. Eric Shanower
7. Joan Sfar
8. Renee French
9. Paul Pope
10. Kevin Huizenga

I could keep going...


Rick Phillips

This is hard for me as I admire alot of artist. The top five would have to be

1. Steve Ditko
2. John Romita Sr.
3. Al Hartley
4. Neal Adams
5. Alex Ross

if I were allowed I would have Mike Grell and Wayne Boring at #'s 6 and 7



1-Terry Moore
2-Pat Brady
3-Howard Cruse
4-Justin Green
5-Marshall Rogers
