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Bart Beaty On Looking To Recruit A PhD Candidate In Comics Studies
posted February 10, 2014

Editor's Note: I saw this being passed around on Dr. Bart Beaty's behalf, and wanted to draw attention to it here.


Ever wanted to do a PhD in English with a focus on comics? Want to be well funded while doing it? I'm looking for a student! Please circulate!


University of Calgary Eyes High Doctoral Recruitment Scholarship in Comics Studies

Part of the University of Calgary’s Eyes High goal envisions the institution as a global intellectual hub. The Academic Plan emphasizes the importance of graduate students, most notably doctoral students, to the achievement of our Eyes High objectives.

We are launching a new recruitment scholarship for PhD students, intended to increase PhD enrollment at the University, and focused on areas of strategic research strength for the University. With the investment of $1.5 million in base funds to support these students, we will recruit approximately 55 new, fully funded, doctoral students to the University of Calgary in 2014.

The Eyes High Doctoral Recruitment Scholarship will fund students for four years, at $25,000/year for Canadian students and $30,000/year for international students. Students must begin their program in either September 2014 or January 2015.

The students recruited will be of the highest caliber, and will be competitive for national or international scholarships. They must have an entering GPA of at least 3.5/4.0 or equivalent in their last two years of study.

In addition to this funding, the Department of English offers competitive funding opportunities that include teaching responsibilities. Teaching duties would augment this Scholarship with an additional $16,000 per year (approximately - wages are set annually as a result of collective bargaining).

The successful candidate will be eligible to receive at least $41,000 in funding for four years ($46,000 if non-Canadian) to pursue a PhD in English at the University of Calgary under the supervision of Dr. Bart Beaty.

For information about the PhD program in English please visit our website

About the sponsor:

Bart Beaty is Professor and Head of the Department of English at The University of Calgary. Among other publications, he is the author of three books on comics (Fredric Wertham and the Critique of Mass Culture;Unpopular Culture; Comics Versus Art), the editor of the seven-volumeSalem Critical Guide to Graphic Novels, and the translator of The System of Comics, Of Comics and Men, and The Origins of Comics.

Additional travel and research support for this PhD student will be made available from my SSHRC Standard Research Grant.