August 18, 2014
Festivals Extra: The Hotel Where Folks Are Booking For SPX When They Can’t Get Into The Marriott…

... is the
Hilton Washington DC/Rockville Hotel & Executive Meeting Center. I've now e-mailed with multiple people who bounced down there after the Marriott sold out of rooms for
SPX weekend about five days ago.
It's a full-service hotel like the Marriott, is about 3/4 of a mile away and is one transit stop up the system for easy access. There are a lot of Hiltons in the area so you want to check the address to make double-certain which one you're booking yourself into. I love a good hotel a short distance away, even for a party festival like SPX, because it makes the mornings your own. And this place is appropriately comfy-looking. It's running a bit cheaper than the Marriott through the basic booking services.
posted 12:25 am PST |
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