Tom Spurgeon's Web site of comics news, reviews, interviews and commentary

February 1, 2013

Christjan Bee Sentenced To Three Years In Federal Prison

The West Missouri Man found guilty of having pornographic cartoon imagery on a computer he owned was sentenced to three years in federal prison followed by five years of probation. Christjan Bee was apparently turned in by his wife, and had multiple comics images depicting sex between adults and minors on a computer he owned. The original charge of receiving the images was dismissed. The prosecutor has decided for all of us that these images have no artistic value whatsoever. This is a chilling outcome -- as described thus far it's lousy in itself, lousier for its ramifications.

The CBLDF put a lengthy article up here upon learning of the conviction. Mr. Bee did not contact the Fund. Again, it's important that the Fund continue to be supported so that any person facing a charge like this at least knows that there is legal advice and potential support out there for them.
posted 7:20 am PST | Permalink

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