August 11, 2008
Lynn Johnston Announces August 31 As The Last Day For Long-Running FBoFW
According to a report on the Doug Wright Awards ceremony last Friday evening, newly inducted Canadian Cartoonists Hall of Famer Lynn Johnston will end the current iteration of her popular
For Better or For Worse on August 31. After that strip, and the day after where client papers will run a personal good-bye from the cartoonist, the sales juggernaut will re-boot with re-runs, several sequences re-drawn to look more like Johnston's current style.
I don't think any of this stuff is new except maybe that exact date, and none of it's surprising given the current storyline's imminent Anthony and Elizabeth wedding. Johnston has gone back and forth on exactly what to do and when to do it I think for about two and a half years now (take that, Brett Favre!). Given the deadlines involved, this decision seems final
and seems right. So, anyway, if any of you want to follow the strip one last time,
that time is now.
posted 8:10 am PST |
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