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January 29, 2008

Random Comics News Story Round-Up

* go, read: three of the cartoonists working for the Nickelodeon publishing juggernaut have created Mobius comic strips.

* not comics: Marvel and EA decide to terminate their deal, which was basically that EA could make games starring characters not covered by individual deals elsewhere, along with one of those things where EA was going to create characters that Marvel would then put into comic book form that never seem to ever amount to anything. The articles suggest that the one product to come out of the deal, "The Rise of the Imperfects," was something of a failure.

image* publisher Chris Oliveros at Drawn and Quarterly shares the good news that Jason Lutes has been making a lot of Berlin pages, to the point where the comic book will be appearing in a fashion more like comics did in 1992 than the rate they tend to be released in 2008.

Although my inexact writing is at fault, I hope no one thought I was questioning the proper announcement of new issues of Berlin. It was more like I was wondering after a reaction of shared anticipation-to-read and excitement from fans and retailers that used to greet the arrival of popular new alt-comix comic books, including Berlin. I don't sense that to the extent I used to for any titles other than maybe Eightball and Optic Nerve, and as a fan of comics in the comic book format, I miss it. It may be that I'm at an age where I'm disconnected from that kind of reading experience, but I suspect it's further evidence that comics really is focused on the trade now. No matter the wider implications, more Berlin has me excited to hit a comics shop, and a flood of Berlin is terrific news.

* not comics: Joe Quesada crosses a picket line.

* a livejournaler named Jastor writes in amusing fashion about his early childhood obsession with being Spider-Man: "At my graduation from Kindergarten, I was actually very well behaved. For the first ten minutes. Ten minutes was about as long as I could go before I started to have extremely elaborate fantasies about being Spiderman."

* the San Jose Mercury-News talks to Darrin Bell about eight black strip cartoonists' forthcoming action designed to draw attention to the way their strips are perceived and purchased, and then reviews comics by black creators, both comic strip and comic book.

* the writer Ken Parille looks at an under-examined element of pop artist Roy Lichtenstein's appropriation of comics imagery: the lettering.

* there are a lot of Marjane Satrapi interviews, but only one on The Colbert Report.
posted 8:30 am PST | Permalink

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