* the prose and manga publisher Vertical has a mysterious new partner, which if this were a comic book would be the superhero-owner's arch-nemesis. As I recall, Vertical needed the stability this potentially brings.
* I think the takeaway from this OBTP notice is that unless you're Ziggy, expect to be greeted at Tom Wilson Jr.'s door with a shotgun.
* I missed this Bryan Lee O'Malley profile in the New York Times. Scott Pilgrim is very appealing work and I think it's in the perfect position for this kind of article to help it along a little bit further. I'm uncertain if reports of shortages of the latest volume I'm seeing all over the place are just another sign of how popular the series is or some sort of dire news about Diamond's ability to serve a mini-surge in interest like this one for a property like this.
* this profile of Jim and George Demonakos that notes in a positive way the opening of their latest comics store last year, mentions in passing that the Obama/Spider-Man comic book was the difference in January between a sales increase and a sales decline.