August 1, 2011
Random Comics News Story Round-Up
* I think it's nice that DC Comics has released a "
we hear you" statement regarding the employment of female creators in its forthcoming relaunch, more prominent characters in same, and future endeavors related to both. For one thing, the release should give some encouragement to those that thought the roll-out of the relaunch news was done in a strange manner PR-wise, and it's nice to know that the company is likely genuinely sensitive to how it's going to be perceived on particular issues. At the same time, I think there's a trap in crowing about one's article/one's post/internet complaining in general/widely-mocked public agitation bringing about a press release from a publisher. Like the relaunch itself,
it's the execution that matters with this issue, not the shaping of publicity concerns around the issue and rhetorical back-and-forths. Let's see where they are six months, one year, three years from now in terms of actually developing a wider range of talent and employing it to best effect. I think there are achievable goals for a company like DC with an issue like this one, goals that would benefit the company. But they have to do it.
* speaking of which, did anyone ever praise the Nadel/Hodler
TCJ for having a group of solid women writers and artists contributing to the publication after initially criticizing their female contributor-light re-launch announcement? I hope so, for I surely missed it.
* Richard Sala
posts 1998's "Stranger Street" series of images.
* the cartoonist Michael DeForge
posts two more pages from a forthcoming work called
College Girl By Night.
Colleen Doran on the recent Marvel/Kirby decision.
* over at
The Bowery Boys,
a semi-lengthy post on the New Yorkness of various Marvel superheroes. There's a worthy link in the comments section as well, if you want to explore this a bit further. (thanks,
Gil Roth)
* not comics:
Mo Willems is crafty.
Guy Delisle covers Focus Vif.
* check out Aaron Renier's
design for this years CCS diplomas. That's way better than my diploma, which, I kid you not, was on such a greasy sheepskin that all the letters fell off.
* Richard Thompson's background posts on various
Cul-De-Sac dailies tend to be a lot of fun, such as
this one on making a change in a storyline fairly last minute and the deeper personal memories it taps.
* Dustin Harbin
continues his series of process posts with a discussion of scanning. I don't have the chops or even the equipment on hand to make an appraisal of the things Harbin's writing down, but he has a nice, conversational tone and at worst this strikes me as a "my perspective" series of pieces if they fall short of being authoritative.
* not comics: I bet the cartoonist Frank Santoro would have
fantastic barber shop-style conversational patter. I'd go once a week, and I don't have hair. (thanks, someone I forget)
* not comics: there's nothing to do with
this depressing article on the LA Times cutting freelancers but read it, consider the implications, and shiver, shiver, shiver.
* not comics: the cartoonist John Porcellino
sent along and recommended this link if you're interested in reading more about the Borders collapse and liquidation. For one thing, that the liquidation prices may not have represented savings as one might think such a sale should would be up to the company doing the liquidation, not the bookseller or its remaining employees.
* not comics: the
Captain America movie
has now made more money than the one based on
Green Lantern.
* finally,
Sean Collins reviews Tom Neely's The Wolf.
posted 2:00 am PST | Permalink
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