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CR Holiday Interview #7—Jeff Parker
posted March 22, 2012

imageI've known Jeff Parker for years as a friendly, engaging convention presence and skilled writer of the most mainstream of mainstream comics. He entered into the funnybook business as an artist during the tail end of the 1990s sales surge, performing work for take-you-back publishing names like Caliber and Malibu. Parker re-emerged in 2003 with the self-published stand-alone graphic novel Interman. It was stylishly designed and executed, and I remember Parker from that period mostly for the work he did on-line writing about then-mysterious elements of self-directed bookstore distribution.

Jeff has since gone on to success as a writer for Marvel properties, including lengthy runs on X-Men: First Class (a rare X-Men book in its ability to garner buzz in an era where the luster has faded a bit from that once-dominant market force), Agents Of Atlas (one of the five best titles of the post-bankruptcy era), and currently Thunderbolts and whichever of the Hulk comics is anchored by the red version (spoiler for lapsed fans: there's a red version of the Hulk now). He has also made honorable work of his own creation or co-creation, such as the late-perio