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Home > Collective Memories

Harlan Ellison, 1934-2018
posted September 2, 2018


These are links to various mentions of the passing of the writer and cultural critic Harlan Ellison, who died on June 29, 2018.

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Primary Mentions

* AV Club

* Blastoff Comics
* BoingBoing
* Buzz Dixon

* Chicago Now

* David Gerrold

* Fox41

* Herald Mail
* High Def Digest
* Howard Chaykin

* io9

* Jackie Estrada

* Kotaku

* Los Angeles Times 01
* Los Angeles Times 02

* Mike Lynch

* NBC New York
* Neil Gaiman
* NewsOK
* New York Times

* Peter David
* Prensa Latina

* Reason

* Stephen Bissette
* SyFy

* Tablet
* Tim Hayes
* The Economist
* The Guardian
* The Scotsman
* The Verge

* Valdosta Daily Times
* Variety
* Vox

* Washington Post




Related Articles Of Substance

* Barnes & Noble

* CBR 01
* CBR 02
* CBR 03



* The Harlan Ellison Page

* Wikipedia Entry


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