Tom Spurgeon's Web site of comics news, reviews, interviews and commentary

April 15, 2005

Retailer’s Post-Mortem on 2000 AD, Humanoids: Too Much of a Good Thing

imageA smart piece by prominent retailer Brian Hibbs at Newsarama notes how DC ending its relationship with the 2000 AD and Humanoids lines underscores the avalanche of product in which the current systems of distribution operate. I might take a slightly different emphasis on that same basic take in that I think it's been shown you can create audiences for certain kinds of comics, just not by throwing work after work at them indiscriminately. Unfortunately, not only is no one going to change their ways -- even in this case we know at least the 2000 AD books are going to keep chugging along -- but overpublishing by even a few companies creates such a wall of product that someone working smartly and modestly, like Typocrat Press, or AdHouse Books, may be choked out by someone else's flood of market-share boosters.
posted 8:26 am PST | Permalink

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