Tom Spurgeon's Web site of comics news, reviews, interviews and commentary

April 26, 2012

The Never-Ending, Four-Color Festival: Cons, Shows, Events


By Tom Spurgeon

* Henry Eudy reports on last weekend's FLUKE. Short version: thinner crowds; great show.

* Robert Boyd writes about a tiny convention being put on in Houston this weekend as part of student Ted Closson's MFA work. You can go to a direct explanation here. That looks terribly fascinating, and I'd be sure to go if I were anywhere near Space City. This isn't the first time Boyd has written about Closson.

* you're already well-acquainted with the CCS summer workshops page, right?

* and this star-studded, Chicago-based conference on comics site, right?

* that's good, because you can spend the time you've saved being familiar with those two sites doubling your focus on this weekend's MoCCA Festival and Stumptown Comics Fest. That's a traditional big event on the North American small press calendar taking place in the most important comics city historically and the small press-oriented show in the current most comics-happy city in North America, respectively. Fascinating shows, too. There's always a bit of tension in the air at MoCCA, it seems, and Stumptown seems to be going through the kind of mini-identity crisis one might expect by last year's shift in venue and the rise of other regional shows and all the ideas such shows bring to the table. I'm looking forward to sorting out news from both, and if I'd been the happy recipient of a lottery win and a Spurgeon-Red/Spurgeon-Blue type laboratory accident, I would be going to both.

* I liked this Stumptown preview from David Chelsea.

* finally, here are some thoughts by one attendee of last weekend's first Comiket about comics shows in general.
posted 4:45 am PST | Permalink

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