Tom Spurgeon's Web site of comics news, reviews, interviews and commentary

January 27, 2016

The Never-Ending, Four-Color Festival: Shows And Events


By Tom Spurgeon

* here's the poster for this year's Chicago Zine Fest.

* this isn't really comics, but a NYC-based 50th anniversary Star Trek convention does have the historical aspect that Star Trek conventions have very much informed comics conventions for as long as there have been the standard comic book conventions. They are not automatically conflated anymore, but there was a time when many of them were.

* Pat Race wrote in to say that the Alaska Robotics Mini-Con is accepting professional applications through February 1 and that the show has a significant art camp vibe, if that perhaps appeals. I've always wanted to go to Alaska.

* finally, the general hotel room sale through Comic-Con International in San Diego -- the only way many folks have a shot at close-to convention center hotel rooms at a decent price -- is set for early April.
posted 3:25 pm PST | Permalink

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