Tom Spurgeon's Web site of comics news, reviews, interviews and commentary

July 19, 2017

The Never-Ending, Four-Color Festival: Shows And Events


By Tom Spurgeon

* you have until the end of September (one day before, really) to participate in the Observer/Cape/Graphica short story prize. That is indeed the kind of recognition and boost that can make a career.

* added two events to the forthcoming sections: St. Louis Small Press Expo in October and Comic Arts Brooklyn in November. It's good to see there will be a CAB this year -- it strikes me that this is a yearly decision by Gabe Fowler -- and it's great to see they'll be on a different weekend than Short Run in Seattle. A few folks do both.

* since writing that last bulleted point, Genghis Con has announced in its traditional post-Thanksgiving Sunday slot. I did that show last year representing CXC and it was fun.

* Steve Breen: Undercover.

* Koyama Press has announced a multiple creator tour for right after SPX.

* finally, the more people that enjoy Comic-Con without a pass the more people with passes enjoy Comic-Con a little bit less.
posted 5:35 pm PST | Permalink

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