Tom Spurgeon's Web site of comics news, reviews, interviews and commentary

July 20, 2016

The Never-Ending, Four-Color Festival: Shows And Events


By Tom Spurgeon

* San Diego Con is going on almost certainly right as you're reading this. Seventy-eight percent chance someone is standing in my way.

* one person not in my way is Gene Luen Yang, who is doing NINE PANELS.

* this set of tips about how to avoid getting sick will do someone some good, and other people that ignore it will likely remember that it exists as they're in their moment of pain. It's more of a general wellness tip sheet. This makes sense because one way to avoid catching something at a big gathering of people is to not have your body so weak it catches stuff. I may add this to the site by the time this goes up, but I think the mornings are really important sleeping times.

* Lisa Hanawalt does the best con panel entrances.

* Fantagraphics staffers pick their favorite books of the show -- looks like a big Beto year. Nearly every year is. Eric Reynolds makes the interesting point that Dame Darcy's Meat Cake will take 10 billion hours to read given the density of her comics.

* finally, here's Peter Tonguette's review of the Kids-Lit and Nemo exhibits currently running at the Billy Ireland Cartoon Library & Museum. These are the shows that will be up and running during the 2016 version of Cartoon Crossroads Columbus, the show with which I'm involved.
posted 5:25 pm PST | Permalink

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