Tom Spurgeon's Web site of comics news, reviews, interviews and commentary

August 7, 2019

The Never-Ending, Four-Color Festival: Shows And Events


By Tom Spurgeon

* I enjoy the amount of video and the different variations that NYCC employes.

* here's a general preview of Flame Con, the most important show going right now, I think, and it might not be close.

* here are the CXC 2019 Thursday/Friday events that involve that mighty institution, our venue partner and ally the Wexner Center For The Arts. Our events are free unless there's something structurally impossible for us to do it without charging something, but we sometimes ticket to work on crowd control and to anticipate decade. It should be clear event to event what's need. I really like the range of animation we'll see. We are very lucky to have such skilled partners.

* finally: Vincent Harris talks to Donald Brock, Jr. about Soda City Comic Con.
posted 5:25 pm PST | Permalink

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