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August 23, 2010

Tom Hart Announces Gainesville, Florida Cartooning School Set To Open In 2011

imageThe cartoonist and comics educator Tom Hart sent out an informal e-mail over the weekend thanking fellow educators and one assumes other comics-involved people here and there about the launch of his planned Sequential Artists Workshop. The educational institution is set to open in Gainesville, Florida some time in 2011. "The SAW is certainly starting from James Sturm's CCS model but I don't expect it to mirror that for too long. I don't know what to expect but beginning this project has been on my mind for years and [Hart's wife, the cartoonist] Leela [Corman] and I looked at each other (and our new daughter) during this most recent winter and agreed: what are we waiting for?" Hart wrote. A first hint at faculty was also in the note. Noting that the couple and their daughter plan to move to Gainesville by Fall 2011, Hart mentioned, "John Porcellino is already there and will be easing in the programming while I'll be doing some administrative stuff up here."

The institution-to-be's web site has already launched.

image from site by Vanessa Davis
posted 11:55 am PST | Permalink

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