February 9, 2005
Updates: Quote Marks, Vampires, Manga

Here are a few key updates on stories linked to previously.
Editor & Publisher gets to the bottom of Monday's decision by the
Chicago Tribune to swap out that day's episode of the conservative
Prickly City. While the paper swears it wasn't politically motivated, they also claim not to have pulled it because of perceived bad taste of a Chappaquiddick joke, which apparently they thought hilarious, but for accuracy. The report says a syndicate editor added quotes to a line credited to Senator Ted Kennedy the
Tribune knew wasn't a direct quote. I'm not sure why this couldn't have been handled with a phone call or two and some whiteout, but maybe it was caught late.
Second, books I called novelizations of the
Vampire Hunter D series are actually the original volumes from which the series came, as sharp-eyed reader Robert Boyd pointed out.
This report has the books being team-published by DH Press and Digital Manga.
Third, there's
a mention at the top of the Anime News Network site today that explains recent appearances of untranslated manga is part of an experiment by the chain bookstore Border's.
posted 5:45 am PST |
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