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August 28, 2012

Random Jack Kirby Links And News Round Up

image* today would have been Jack Kirby's 95th birthday. I was wondering whether or not I should put as much Kirby-related stuff up as possible or do a regular news round-up, but the regular news is all slap-fights and idiocy right now, so Kirby it is!

* the big news today is that Jack Kirby's 16-year-old granddaughter Jillian has organized a project in conjunction with the Hero Initiative called Kirby4Heroes. This was announced through Geoff Boucher's column at the Los Angeles Times. So get thee to a participating comics shop or please consider joining me in making a direct donation to the Hero Initiative. I think it's super-classy of the Kirby Family to use today to throw the spotlight on the work that organization does and to help out in some concrete way.

* there's also a get up and draw campaign; Charles Hatfield explains both really well here.

* here's the twitter hashtag for the wake up and draw portion of that celebration.

* speaking of Charles Hatfield, you should poke around that Hand Of Fire site more generally. This summer that book won the first Eisner Award directed at more academic prose about comics. Charles and I talked about Kirby here. That was a lot of fun.

* this is where I link to however people are tweeting about Jack Kirby today. Also: here.

* I go to a few Jack Kirby sites semi-regularly: the Jack Kirby Museum, Kirby Dynamics (which is run through the museum) and What If Kirby.

* Glenn Danzig once interviewed Kirby.

* here's that very good article by Steven Brower on Jack Kirby's work with collage.

* here's a piece splicing together testimony from Kirby and others about the creation of Marvel's 1960s superhero line.

* here's a Kirby interview from the mid-1970s.

* here's the Leonard Pitts interview from the mid-1980s.

* even old sites with a Jack Kirby focus are fun. You know, I imagine there are a billion tumblr-type sites with Kirby stuff on them, but I'm really bad with those kinds of sites. Here's one.

* finally, there is an excellent interview by Gary Groth with Jack Kirby over at the TCJ site.
posted 1:05 am PST | Permalink

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