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October 8, 2007

Marder Leaves McFarlane’s Employ?

I'm going to try and send an e-mail for confirmation and clarification if I have an address somewhere, and I'm a C- writer when it comes to industry moves so I could be missing something obvious to everyone else, but I would assume from this post that cartoonist and industry veteran's industry veteran Larry Marder has left his position at Todd McFarlane's toy empire and has gone freelance. That's a significant move in terms of Marder's status within the industry, as I believe he was still President of McFarlane Toys, and an even more significant one considering the history involved, as Marder being brought into McFarlane's sphere began back in the early '90s when he consulted for Image and then became that company's Executive Director. In that position, Marder did much to help correct Image's industry havoc-wreaking in terms of publishing and planning before it could rattle that company apart, and then was a part of some crucial 1990s business decisions for the industry entire, most importantly Image's choice to go with Diamond Comic Distributors, Inc. rather than Capital City, a move that either set or at the very least accelerated the progression of the Direct Market into its present form.

Marder has recently announced his intention to return to his well-liked Tales of the Beanworld series, and one hopes that might be his focus in the immediate future. Also, if I remember correctly, such a move will end a pretty major city-to-city commute for the cartoonist.
posted 10:26 pm PST | Permalink

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