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March 22, 2012

Random Comics News Story Round-Up

* go here for a great post from Bryan Lee O'Malley on how to break into comics. Or, basically, how that's not really what happens. Dean Haspiel speaks to something that happens a bit later in the creative lifetime -- when you realize that it may not be worth it waiting on the gatekeepers to notice you. (both links via just about everybody)

image* this tribute to Bill Dubay contains many, many, vintage fanzine pages. I love looking at that stuff. (via)

* David Brothers on Twin Spica. Rob Clough on some mini-comics. Philip Shropshire on RASL #13. Greg McElhatton on Luther and Batman #7. Sean Gaffney on Kodoku no Gourmet Vol. 1. Grant Goggans on Anya's Ghost. Brian Chippendale on... well, it's Brian Chippendale. Todd Klein on Aquaman #6 and Superman #6.

* Rob Tornoe on self-syndication.

* J. Caleb Mozzocco stops by the funnybook shop. Dan Nadel goes to the gallery.

* like some sort of demented comics saga, the story of Stan Lee Media keeps on keeping on. Basically, they lost another court case but claim that this ruling really leads to success with a different track of litigation. At heart of all of this still seems to be the assignment of rights to the media company and what these rights included according to later agreements between Lee and Marvel when they finally settled their differences.

* Marvel will ship their highly-touted Avengers Vs. X-Men early, leading Graeme McMillan to wonder after leaks and early sales.

* Gary Panter (!!) talks to Bill Griffith. Alex Dueben talks to Denys Cowan. Karl Keily talks to Leah Moore and John Reppion. Shaun Manning talks to Mike Costa. Gilbert Short talks to Marc Silvestri.

* some Korean cartoonists have day jobs, too.

* am I the only one that reads Food Or Comics? and comes up with meal alternatives to every selection of books?

* and here's a foundational Wonder Woman suggestion. I can never tell if Wonder Woman is broken or if she of all the superhero icons just feels the broken parts of the infrastructure more than any other character.

* I did not know there was something called The Drawn Word.

* I'm thinking crazy is probably going to be the order of the day for the guy that dresses like a bat and beats people up as his primary vocation.

* finally, Warren Ellis asks a bunch of people if the fine art of magazine making is screwed. All of my lottery-winning dreams involve paper.
posted 2:00 am PST | Permalink

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