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Home > Collective Memories

Darwyn Cooke, RIP
posted May 30, 2016


Commentary and reaction around the Internet to the passing of artist, animator and cartoonist Darwyn Cooke (1962-2016).


* Site
* Official Announcement Of Cancer
* Official Announcement Of Passing

* Andrew Farago Interview From 2008
* Breakdown Of New Talent Showcase #19
* Contextualizing The Tom Beland Cartoon
* Gilbert Hernandez On Their 2015-2016 Collaboration
* Tucker Stone's 2010 CA Interview

Posted In Memory
* Amy Beadle Roth
* Arune Singh
* AV Club

* Blastr
* Bleeding Cool
* Bob Temuka
* Brian Fies

* CBC News
* CBR 01
* CBR 02
* Chris Allen
* 01
* 02
* Comicdom
* CTV News

* David Baldeon
* David Bitterbaum
* David Hyde
* David Press
* DC Comics
* dcwomenkickingass
* Deadline
* Den Of Geek
* Der Tagesspiegel
* Donald Westlake's Site

* Ed Brubaker 01
* Ed Brubaker 02
* Ed Brubaker 03

* Filip Sablik

* Gail Simone
* Geeks Of Doom
* Global News
* Greg Burgas
* Greg Holfeld

* iDigitalTimes
* IGN 01
* IGN 02
* io9

* Jamie S. Rich 01
* Jamie S. Rich 02
* Jason Fabok
* Jeff Lemire
* Jerry Smith
* Jill Thompson
* Jimmy Palmiotti 01
* Jimmy Palmiotti 02
* Jimmy Palmiotti 03
* Jimmy Palmiotti 04
* Jimmy Palmiotti 05
* Justin Gray

image* LA Times 01
* LA Times 02
* LA Times 03
* Lew Stringer

* Mark Evanier
* Mark Waid
* Mélanie Joly [Canadian Minister Of Heritage]
* Mike Lynch
* Mike Marts
* Mike Sterling

* NBC News
* Nerdist

* Panel Patter
* PaperFilms
* Paul Dini
* Pix 11

* Rich Barrett
* Rob Salkowitz

* Scott Chantler
* Scott Snyder 01
* Scott Snyder 02
* Scott Snyder 03
* Scott Snyder 04
* Scott Snyder 05
* Scott Snyder 06
* Scott Snyder 07
* Scott Snyder 08
* Scott Snyder 09
* Sean Rogers At The Walrus
* Seth At The DWAs
* Speed Force

* Terry Moore
* The Beat
* The Globe And Mail
* Thomas Klingenmaier
* thewayilikecomix
* Tom Beland
* Tom Spurgeon
* Toronto Star
* Tripwire
* Tucker Stone

* Uproxx
* USA Today

* Vulture

* WaPo
* Will Pfeifer 01
* Will Pfeifer 02
* WowCool


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