Tom Spurgeon's Web site of comics news, reviews, interviews and commentary

September 28, 2010

Robert Kirkman Says He’s Soon Going Same-Day Digital On Everything

imageThe writer Robert Kirkman, who recently made news because his Walking Dead is hitting all digital platforms on the same day as his print comic is released, tells CBR in an interview rolling out today that he plans to do it with all of his titles. This is important because the Walking Dead move was tied into the approaching TV series adaptation -- the thought being that with a big TV show, you want to have the comic books as widely and uniformly available as possible. But this seems like something different, a calculation on the successful comics writer's part that these are two different sales tracks and that one won't cannibalize the other in a way that greatly harms one or the other. I'm actually all for this: I'm for making firm decisions of this type and then seeing what happens, whether you go delayed release or same-day doesn't matter to me as much as making that commitment and then attempt to build on that commitment. I've always been sort of baffled that this wasn't done by most companies two or three years ago, starting with those with almost no serial presence in the comics shops.
posted 9:00 am PST | Permalink

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