Tom Spurgeon's Web site of comics news, reviews, interviews and commentary

February 2, 2006

CBR: Artist Seth Fisher Passes Away


Seth Fisher, an extremely talented artist who worked for various DC Comics divisions and Heavy Metal in addition to pursuing numerous illustration and game design opportunities, has passed away, according to a report filed by Comic Book Resources. Fisher maintained a personal/professional site stuffed with artwork and photos. His books included Green Lantern: Willworld, the Flash: Time Flies one-shot, a brief run on Doom Patrol, Vertigo Pop Tokyo, Happydale: Devils in the Desert, and Fantastic Four/Iron Man: Big In Japan. Fisher's artwork, a vibrant combination of approaches hinting at comics from all over the world, was of such a high quality that he had become one of those artists interested readers, myself included, sought out despite the project. Interviews with Fisher can be found here and here. He was nominated for an Eisner Award in 2003. Although I'm unable to find the cartoonist's age, he spoke about being a freshman in college in 1991, which could conceivably put him in his early to mid-30s.
posted 1:19 am PST | Permalink

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