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My 2005 San Diego Panel Schedule
posted July 3, 2005

I'm no Mark Evanier, but this year I'll be hosting three panels and participating on one of the kind that make up a significant portion of Comic-Con International's programming. Panels are a great way to take a break, get off your feet, see what your favorite cartoonist is like up close and in public, and watch talented people (or aggressive loudmouths) hold forth on the issues. I'm very excited about all four I get to do. I hope you'll think about coming upstairs to see me. I will try to bring freebies.


This is a panel about the most popular book from a young publisher, AdHouse, whose works you may have seen discussed on the CR site. Included is a list of talent to include Chris Pitzer, Scott Morse, Dean Haspiel, Jeffrey Brown, Ronnie del Carmen, Farel Dalrymple, Doug Fraser, Tara McPherson, and Jim Rugg.

This should be a good way to meet and interact with a lot of talented young cartoonists. Please come and add your questions to my own.

COMIC BOOK WEBLOGS, 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM/Room 8
I'm on this with Heidi MacDonald, Peter David, Tom McLean (the Variety blog guy) and Augie DeBlieck, Jr, with Mark Evanier moderating. We're going to be talking about weblog projects like the one you're reading right now. I have no idea what we'll be talking about for the other 53 minutes. I plan on asking aggressive personal questions and mispronouncing "Augie" a lot.


I'll be interviewing one of the world's greatest living cartoonists. I am going to leave as much room as possible for people to ask questions, because otherwise I'm afraid I'll ask "Why are you so fantastic?" three times in a row. So please come and ask something.

THE GRAPHIC NOVEL, 2:30-4:00 PM/Room 4

This is an oddly scheduled panel at which I hope to ask a series of sharp questions about the subject at hand and turn it over to the genius cartoonists/stalwart industry members that will be onstage with me, scheduled to include: David B (Kim Thompson translating), Jordan Crane, David Lapham, Kyle Baker and Gary Panter, with one or two more to be added.

Hopefully, we can take a look at as many aspects of the global comics industry as possible. None of these cartoonists is likely to hold back on their opinions. I hope to have plenty of time for your questions, too.