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Five For Friday #65—Page Two
posted February 24, 2006
Name Your Five Favorite Edtiorial Cartoonists
1. Pat Oliphant
2. Art Young
3. Bill Mauldin
4. Tom Toles
5. David Low
Thanks to all that participated! This subject is now closed.
Gary Esposito
1. Mike Luckovich
2. Jim Borgman
3. Doug Marlette
4. Daryl Cagle
5. Bill Gallo (NY Daily News)
The reserves (In case someone gets sick and can't make a deadline): Mike Peters, Ed Stein, Bill Bramhall.
Dave Carter
In no particular order:
* Tom Toles
* Mike Thompson
* Jen Sorensen
* Pat Oliphant
* Gary Trudeau (although I usually think of him more as a strip cartoonist than an editorial cartoonist).
Bryan Munn
I could take the easy way out and say something like Hogarth, Gillray, Cruikshank, Daumier, and Leech, but I should stick closer to home. And since no Canadian political cartoonist has had much impact on the Canadian consciousness since Ben Wicks died, I'll go with a list of my favourite dead lefties:
1. Avrom Yanovsky
2. Laurence Hyde
3. Richard Taylor
4. JW Bengough
and for good luck
5. Walter Trier
James Langdell
1. Dr. Seuss
2. Walt Kelly
3. Bill Watterson
4. David Boswell
5. Dan Perkins