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July 21, 2009

Bundled, Tossed, Untied and Stacked


By Tom Spurgeon

* in what is likely to be the biggest news of the week, as if in answer to a bunch of folks sitting at their computers wondering, "Shouldn't someone have announced a Twilight adaptation by now?" Yen Press has announced an adaptation of the series.

image* Bongo Comics announced in the middle of last week that the great Sergio Aragones will become a regular contributor to its line, primarily on the Bart Simpson title beginning with issue #50. One of his many assignments will be a recurring pantomime feature called "Maggie's Crib." His work will debut in late October.

* because of Comic-Con, I'm going to suddenly discover books that I either didn't hear about when they were announced or forgot hearing about because I'm stupid. You may see a number of those next week. But for now I'm scanning the CCI announcements and learning about material that fits those guidelines, like two from Fantagraphics: the great Joe Daly's appealingly-titled The Red Monkey Double Happiness Book (seen above) and the Carol Swain-drawn Giraffes In My Hair. Carol Swain comics! It's not like there aren't a bunch of other great comics they have coming out for the show, I just wasn't keenly aware of these two.

* finally, here's the kind of book that the rush to find material to put on bookshelves shakes loose from the collections tree in a way that makes me smile: nearly 700 pages of early Captain Britain adventures by a bunch of talented mainstream comics creators including but not limited to Alan Moore, Chris Claremont and Alan Davis. That's not a stack of comics I'd track down on my own, and there are a lot of entertaining comics in there, so it could be something I'll get at a future date. I also want a chance to steal FPI's cool-looking scan of a book wrapped in plastic.

posted 8:15 am PST | Permalink

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