Tom Spurgeon's Web site of comics news, reviews, interviews and commentary

March 16, 2015

Carol Tilley Receives $20K Award To Further Research Into The Consumption Of Comics By Children

I totally missed this press release-driven article announcing that Carol Tilley has received an academic grant to further her research in to how children have consumed comics historically. That's cool, as I don't know anything about that particularly. There are assumptions we make as to why kids' readership increased and decreased, usually based on our perceptions of content, accessibility and competing media, but not a lot that is fact-based.

I assume Tilley and her research assistants will give us some answers. Congratulations to her and to the increased space for the consideration of comics-based research and funding that comes with any grant or award being given. I look forward to the result.
posted 11:55 pm PST | Permalink

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