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January 2, 2007

FoxTrot Sudden Daily Strip Suspension Winners: Lio and Pearls Before Swine?


Daily Cartoonist provides an invaluable service by collecting news of what strips are replacing the at least 500 or so slots that opened up when Bill Amend decided late in 2006 to suspend service in the New Year to the dailies portion of his four-figure client base. I urge anyone out there that has relevant information to pass it along via that DC's comments section. Based on his admittedly smallish sample, DC's Alan Gardner is picking Lio and Pearls Before Swine as likely big winners. Several readers of this site thought Lio was posed to do well.

A few other things leap to mind reading Gardner's post: First, I thought Stephan Pastis' Pearls had settled into what is a strong client-count position but not one likely to add papers in leaps and bounds; for it to gain several papers at once would be impressive. Second, I'm amazed by the variety of strips that papers are adding, which is probably just as indicative of this moment in comic strip history as those that stand out from the pack. Third, I thought that Universal would move the official launch of Diesel Sweeties up to January 1 from January 8 to better position itself as a potential replacement. Although it's possible they're doing this for a few papers and not announcing it (.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)), my guess is that Amend's announcement fell at an odd time for the sales cycle or this would have been done.

Click through the image at the top of this post for Bill Amend's last FoxTrot daily.
posted 2:22 am PST | Permalink

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