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April 14, 2014

Pultizer Prize Day Is The Best Newsroom Day


One of the best days in journalism is the day when the Pulitzers go out. They're announced mid-day as a news story rather than at a ceremony, which allows journalists to react and celebrate while at work. I have to imagine that there's no one for whom this kind of win isn't a career highlight -- in newspaper parlance, it's the kind of information that might make the first sentences of your obit.

Basically, all I'm saying is that it's hard not to love this picture of editorial cartooning category winner Kevin Siers getting a hug from a co-worker. Come on. You can practically hear the warbled happy birthday song attempts embedded in the walls of that place.

Here's Siers' on-line "space" at the paper. Here is the citation that can drive you to the winning portfolio. Here is what I think is the initial Observer story that became a wire release. That last offering emphasizes the Observer's cartooning tradition -- Siers apparently replaced the much-admired Doug Marlette -- and which cartoons they thought were particuarly impactful.

They also mention that Siers is from Minnesota, which I always thought a really underrated aspect of a lot of editorial cartooning positions, that they were staffed by people that maybe lived, went to school or even worked in a different place other than the place from where the paper originates.
posted 6:25 pm PST | Permalink

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