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May 29, 2009

Random Comics News Story Round-Up

* the comics consumer advocate Johanna Draper Carlson describes a company that's going to do home delivery in DC. I don't think this is as rare as one might initially think. I was told a couple of Chicago's brick-and-mortar retailers basically got their start from this kind of service. It's still worthy of note, plus it's going the other direction.

image* there's OTBP (off the beaten path) and there's WOTBP (way off the beaten path) and then there's Greg Stump completing a giant graphic novel and the only way you can get it is by e-mailing him. Stump's a talented writer and is well-read, so the description of what's in there sounds intriguing.

* folks are gearing up for MoCCA. Here's the programming schedule, which in the new venue can be held in the new venue rather than separate. People used to screech if you dared to suggest this was a hassle, but a lot of folks I know told me they blew stuff off or simply forgot stuff for it being in two venues. It looks like a pretty good group. Roth/Groth/Jaffee, Tomine/Seth and Panter/Santoro seem like highlights. Here's the fanta-schedule. Also, here's First Second's schedule for BEA, which is next weekend.

* I'm a great fan of Virginia Lee Burton, but I don't think James Sturm makes a very convincing case for her as the godmother of the graphic novel. It may be that the slide-show format doesn't flatter Sturm's arguments. Side issue: at one point, Sturm builds his argument by taking a shot at the Masters of American Comics exhibit from a couple of years back, in a way I find super-lame: castigating that show for its lack of female cartoonist representation without being specific as to who should be put on and who should be left off. The reason why this is lame is because it's very easy to do: you just say, "Rose O'Neill should have been included instead of Chester Gould." Or "Lynda Barry should have been in there instead of Art Spiegelman." Or "Grace Drayton is more important than Gary Panter." I mean, just say it! Otherwise, it's just a rhetorical ploy. You're calling out specific historians in terms of a nasty generality, in many cases (I don't know about Sturm, although he's generally fearless) without even the willingness to step and say you're calling those people out. Stay all the way general or get all the way specific.

image* congratulations to David Reddick on the one-year anniversary of Legend Of Bill.

* finally, the cartoonist and educator Matt Madden is blogging about the two-week intensive comics class he and Jessica Abel are teaching through SVA. (1, 2, 3, 4)
posted 7:30 am PST | Permalink

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