Tom Spurgeon's Web site of comics news, reviews, interviews and commentary

August 21, 2006

Seth Next at NYT; Jaime’s Ends Early?


Seth is the next artist up for the New York Times Sunday Magazine slot, which according to a statement at the site goes on a brief hiatus until Seth's starts. This is confusing to fans of Jaime Hernandez, who became worried the 17th would be the last published. (An 18th then arrived); neither the 17th or 18th looked linked-to to me. According to Kim Thompson at the Comics Journal site, the cartoonist has completed all 20 chapters, so it would be surprising if the series were suspended. It would also suck, because "La Maggie La Loca" has been beautiful-looking, a real cartooning showcase.

Kim Thompson Replies in Letters
posted 1:34 am PST | Permalink

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