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December 3, 2009

Your ‘09 Prix De La Critique Winner


Marc-Antoine Mathieu has received this year's Grand Prix de la critique from the writers about comics group L'Association des Critiques et journalists (ACBD) for his work Dieu en personne. Because people like me are big fat suckers for critics' prizes the group released a semi-finalists and finalists list before announcing their winner. The organization starts with a list of the French-speaking comics released between November and October of the previous year and current year, which in this year meant 3607 titles. Mathieu's book was published in September by Delcourt, and I believe deals with God presenting Himself to mankind.

Mathieu was recognized for this work last month with Prix de la Nouvelle République given out at the festival in Blois, and I would imagine the combination of the two awards makes it a likely candidate for a prize at Angouleme. Mathieu is still probably best known here for his formally ambitious work in the middle 1990s, and I'm going to look around in ten seconds to double-check and then hopefully link to a page at NBM, indicating a relationship with that publisher.
posted 9:00 am PST | Permalink

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