Tom Spurgeon's Web site of comics news, reviews, interviews and commentary

January 1, 2013

50 Comics Positives In 2012: A Superhero Comic You Can Read At The Airport


As much as I cringe when I see people greet the latest fine, fun superhero comic with "Comics has reached its pinnacle" proclamations, I'm fond of the genre, too. Bright colors, broadly-depicted violence, fantasy trappings, pseudo-science, humor, convoluted back stories -- I love all of these things. That's why when there's a book like the Matt Fraction/David Aja Hawkeye series, I'm as happy as anyone to know that it's out there, that it can be picked up at any time at just about any funnybook store, that it can be read while waiting for United out of McCarron like an issue of Monocle or some sort of Ron Rosenbaum essay on the kindle. The latest issue I read had a Mel Hein joke and a funny moment with Dr. Druid; I'm glad it's around.
posted 5:15 am PST | Permalink

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