November 9, 2004
9 Chickweed Lane to Change Addresses
Here's something you don't see everyday: a comic strip that
purports to totally alter its focus after more than 10 years of publication.
Brooke McEldowney's
9 Chickweed Lane, perhaps known best for its use of heavy blacks and its curious, sexually charged atmosphere, is reportedly going to use the implications of the daughter character moving out to become a dancer as a way of shaking up the status quo. I say "reportedly" because the press release has enough of a "wacky cartoonist" tone to it I can't tell exactly how serious the changes are.
While new directions are not unheard of in strip history, particularly in the case of supporting characters like Popeye or
Steve Roper or Snuffy Smith coming to the forefront, they are usually not as creatively directed as this effort looks to be.
I also had no idea that McEldowney was
doing another strip.
posted 6:30 am PST |
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