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May 22, 2015

A Few More Significant Charlie Hebdo-Related Updates

* the thought that someone is following and taking photos of Riss seems fairly terrifying to me, although I realize there may be political objections to some of the characterization in the article. But seriously: it would be a little bit scary if it were like me and my brother following him around; this is worrisome. I've read a couple of complaints about police fecklessness contributing to the Charlie Hebdo murder, so careful monitoring seems a natural.

* after announcing that he would no longer draw Muhammed, Luz has now announced he'll quit Charlie Hebdo. Negotiating the spirits of his dead friends has been too much for him to bear, and I think I would find myself in a similar headspace were half of Fantagraphics murdered, say.

* not comics: this Neil Labute play withdrawn from a fundraising event sounds much less horrible than its first description. The idea of what subjects we engage in art and how we publish/perform those works is a fascinating one, and there's almost no strong conensus in any direction right now.

* the cartoonist Jul was denied entry into Nicaragua in advance of a conference where the magazine was to be honored. (Matt Silvie reminded me of this story; thanks, Matt)

* finally, here's a follow-up on the Charlie Hebdo donations situation, which stresses the amount that will go to the victims' families. There had been some question as to whether or not any should be returned to the magazine struturally, and what was due whom given the ownership profile of the publication. That article suggests that they expect circulation to eventually settle at around 100,000.
posted 12:35 am PST | Permalink

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