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November 2, 2012

Assembled, Zipped, Transferred And Downloaded: News From Digital


By Tom Spurgeon

* as reported earlier this week on this site and in any number of places around the comics Internet, the digital publisher Monkeybrain Comics will be giving the publisher's cut from its comics to the Hero Initiative for the month of November. I think that's a good thing, and plan on making a purchase myself. I recommend the Paul Tobin/Colleen Coover effort Bandette if nothing on the Monkeybrain site sparks a specific interest.

image* there's a bunch of anniversary-type things in the world of digital comics worth noting this week. One of the more highly publicized is the first-year anniversary for the NYC-based on-line comics effort Trip City, which might be better said to revolve around its comics efforts rather than be solely focused on them.

* this is one of the stories that straddles the digital/print divide, the kind of thing with which me seeing if I can blog solely about the digital will fumble a bit until I get it right. Anyway, the Phil and Kaja Foglio comics model is basically one centered on free digital driving to paid print. If I'm understanding the release and subsequent blogging-about-it I've seen here and there, they moved the print fulfillment end of that to TopatoCo. That's an interesting thing just because of who is doing it -- they're not only a major player in that world, but they could provide a model for others to follow, as they have before.

* I've had this in my bookmarks for a while, but early in October Krishna M. Sadasivam celebrated 15 years of making digital comics. I had to have picked that up from Gary Tyrrell. That seems worth noting just for the reminder of how long these kinds of comics have been around. I believe PC Weenies has been going for the vast majority of that time.

* Tom Hart and Marguerite Dabie are going to run the not-yet-seen remaining installments of Ali's House here.

* finally, while noting the eventual print collection coming from Dark Horse in the print publishing round-up, it's worth noting here that Cameron Stewart finished his Sin Titulo on-line comic with a 160th page. That's been a project to which I've gone and caught up in big gulps a few times now.

posted 5:00 am PST | Permalink

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