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April 24, 2015

Bundled Extra: DC Comics Announces Third Book In Frank Miller’s Dark Knight Series For Fall 2015

imageThis is a pretty straight-forward press release -- at least far as it goes. Frank Miller will be working with writer Brian Azzarello on a third Dark Knight series, after what is now called The Dark Knight Returns and its sequel The Dark Knight Strikes again. No artist has yet been selected; they hope to begin the eight issues to run every two weeks starting sometime this Fall.

There will be an extremely high curiosity factor here, with the original series' place near or at the top of superhero-reworkings of the 1980s and the sequel's place as a baffling rejoinder to that series. I'm one of the 10 percent that quite liked DKSA, but it did not do well with audience members expecting more of the original's imaginative, gritty noir take on those superheroes.

My memory is that this specific project has been rumored for a while, but with Scott Snyder as the co-writer rather than Azzarello. I could be completely wrong about that. I'm old now, like Miller's Bruce Wayne. I think you can also interpret this as a classic gesture on DC's part to block some of the market momentum that should be flowing Marvel's way post its Secret Wars phase. As for Miller not providing the art, it might be worth noting that one of the other great Batman stories of all time involved Miller just writing. So I don't know, sounds fun to me; I'll keep an eye out for it.
posted 6:00 am PST | Permalink

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