Tom Spurgeon's Web site of comics news, reviews, interviews and commentary

June 3, 2019

Bundled, Tossed, Untied And Stacked: Publishing News


By Tom Spurgeon

* good news (above): new printing of King Kong this month, so says Christophe Blain.

* here's something super-cute: a 100th anniversary Barney Google plotline.

* here's a bit of "Harley & Joker" licensed property book news which was announced or elaborated upon at the show formerly known as Book Expo America. I don't hold a ton of hope that experienced authors of licensed properties books are going to create, with artist, work of the kind I tend to like, but that kind of pre-sold material does drive a lot of attention in the prose book market of right now. I like it when authors work.

* Andy Oliver looks ahead at the comics collective Kadak.

* finally: Peter Kuper is apparently adapting Heart Of Darkness.
posted 5:25 pm PST | Permalink

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