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March 26, 2006

Call For Papers on Editorial Cartooning

Received the following from Kent Worcester:
The State of the Editorial Cartoon: A Call for Papers

Proposal Deadline: June 1, 2006

Paper Deadline: September 1, 2006

For publication: January 2007

The editors of PS: Political Science and Politics invite contributions to a symposium on the state of the editorial cartoon. The symposium will examine the current condition of editorial cartooning, with an emphasis on daily newspaper editorial cartoons but encompassing politically minded weekly newspaper cartoons, magazine cartoons, comic strips, and web comics. The editors invite informed essays that advance our empirical, historical, and theoretical appreciation for editorial cartoons as art, politics, and culture.

Recent protests over the publication of cartoons depicting the Prophet Muhammad are only partly about the cartoons themselves, of course. These protests nevertheless speak to the power of illustrated commentary, in an age of global communication networks, to catalyze debate and controversy.

This symposium will survey editorial cartooning in a variety of cultural, institutional, and national contexts. Political scientists have had relatively little to say about the history, form, ideology, and political economy of editorial cartooning. This symposium will bring together political scientists and other scholars to help situate editorial cartooning in relation to political communication, expression, and conflict.

Contributions to the symposium can address a wide range of topics, including, but not limited to: the work of individual cartoonists; historical traditions in editorial cartooning; cartoonists and political institutions, from local government to the executive branch; cartooning, protest, and ideology; the economics of the editorial cartoon; censorship and propaganda; the emergence of web comics; politically minded comic strips; the impact of cartoons on campaigns and campaigning; editorial cartooning in a comparative context.

The editors invite submissions that range from 8-12 double-spaced pages. Submission guidelines to PS can be found at

Send proposals and inquiries (email preferred) to Professor Kent Worcester, Department of Political Science, Marymount Manhattan College, 221 East 71 Street, New York, NY 10021 USA. Email: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

1) That seemed a lot shorter when it was in my e-mail.
2) That's exactly how it was sent to me, even though it looks like there may be a web site address missing.
posted 8:00 pm PST | Permalink

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