Tom Spurgeon's Web site of comics news, reviews, interviews and commentary

January 28, 2018

Comics By Request: People, Places In Need Of Funding

imageBy Tom Spurgeon

* I enjoy the look of this Max Huffman comic. The ask is pretty modest, although I'm not sure how well individual comic books do on crowd-funding sites outside of a few well-worn grooves.

* a second volume of Sliced Quarterly promises more experimental comics. I bet that has different definitions for different people.

* they seem to be in the clear, but I can't imagine a crowd-funder for Mark Campos' funeral expenses would be unable to find a great use for any extra money. That guy was at every function I attended for ten years and it's hard to imagine he's not around anymore.

* finally: a comic in support of the Prairie Comics Festival promises comics from cartoonists living in provinces that aren't the cartoonist-stuffed ones.
posted 3:25 pm PST | Permalink

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