Tom Spurgeon's Web site of comics news, reviews, interviews and commentary

March 18, 2018

Comics By Request: People, Places In Need Of Funding


By Tom Spurgeon

* here's a modest request from Chris Onstad to help keep Achewood up.

* Here's one project being crowd-funded, Lemonade Summer, about which people keep sending me word. That's art from one of the planned stories, above.

image* Ryan Kelly is a skilled cartoonist looking for work. He also does commissions.

* Kilgore Books could use some help, or Tom Van Deusen has to return to culinary school.

* Ken Eppstein of Nix Comix is looking for $8000 for the 2018 season.

* finally: I keep forgetting to drive attention to a crowd-funder designed to help illustrator Angeliqe Virella's health woes.
posted 5:25 pm PST | Permalink

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