Tom Spurgeon's Web site of comics news, reviews, interviews and commentary

May 11, 2012

Comics’ Giving Heart: People, Projects In Need Of Funding

image* great survivor of the tectonic shifts in comics coverage Tripwire has launched its fundraising campaign for a 20th anniversary book. I'm always happy to see Joel Meadows at shows, and I'm happy to see him in the video here. Meadows also comments on the occasion in a blog post here.

* here's a kickstarter project of the "new talent" variety: Prairie City Response.

* I totally missed this Kickstarter project on behalf of the Daisy Kutter material; fortunately, it seems as if I'm the only one who missed it.

* not comics: I hope for as long as it lasts you'll forgive me the weekly indulgence of drawing attention to my brother's kickstarter project for a short film; Whit is this site's primary photographer -- he does the non-terrible photos.

* is there anyone out there with a clear understanding of the charitable efforts on behalf of the late, great Tony DeZuniga, hopefully from an insider's point of view? I've been e-mailed a question or two and .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

* finally, I'll leave this week with a reminder that the Hero Initiative and other comics-related charities are happily processing your checks and on-line donations if you'd wish to leave on in this period where the Avengers movie is supplying solid-gold shoes money to people that don't need it as desperately as the people who benefit from those charities. I wrote about that here. You're not going to "win comics" by donating, you're not going to see an outcome in terms of policy you want because you threw someone ten bucks. But a donation is worth considering because a donation can do some good, and it's nice to be reminded of that.
posted 5:30 am PST | Permalink

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