Tom Spurgeon's Web site of comics news, reviews, interviews and commentary

March 23, 2009

ComicsPro Memphis Meeting Coverage

The retailer group ComicsPro had their annual meeting in Memphis over the weekend. Headlining the show was some administrative business: namely elections. Joe Field, Brian Hibbs and Chris Powell were named to three open director positions. The organization's officers were then named: Field as President, Powell as President Pro-Tempore title; Amanda Emmert as Corporate Secretary/Treasurer; and Carr D'Angelo as Recording Secretary.

As far as I can tell, Matt Price was the only comics news person in attendance, or at least the only one with whom I'm familiar. His line-up of stories can be best accessed through this link. Some of the highlights seem to be a tour of the Diamond Memphis facility and presentations by publishers and other DM-interested businesspeople.

Sean Kleefeld asks where the rest of the coverage was. I can confess that for me, the ability to take off a few days to fly from a mostly regional airport to another mostly regional airport isn't what it used to be. I've promised to make attending those meetings a greater priority in the future and hope they continue having them.
posted 8:00 am PST | Permalink

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