Tom Spurgeon's Web site of comics news, reviews, interviews and commentary

March 24, 2005

CR Magazine: Thursday Special

With limited access to the Internet this week, please enjoy the following mix of new features and archived treasures.

Johnny Ryan Interview -- The newest, funniest talent in alternative comics has also occasionally been a lightning rod for criticism. In the midst of a publishing flush period that includes frequent issues of his series Angry Youth Comics, Ryan answers a few questions about his art and his perceived place in the comics world.

Nadia Katz-Wise Interview -- Perhaps the surprise new publisher of the year, the face of Typocrat Press takes a few moments between the release of their first and second books to answer a few questions about forthcoming plans and the reaction to the imprint's work thus far.

J. Chris Campbell Preview -- This new, unique illustrative talent provides CR a sneak peek at his imminent solo comics release from the up and coming publisher AdHouse Books: Zig Zag #1. For a limited time only.

Steve Rude -- There's nothing more enjoyable than talking to the Dude about comics and morality, and this older interview hopefully reflects that. 48 hours only.
posted 5:34 am PST | Permalink

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