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April 4, 2017

CRNI: Arifur Rahman Art Stolen, Exhibition Damaged; Cover-Up Alleged Over Refugee Status

Here's a grim story that should be read all the way through, cognizant of the fact that some of this is lightly reported and some as-yet-unreported avenues could have a titanic shift on how we determine what happened and why.

While I have a lot of sympathy for people objecting to art, and feel in fact that can be one of art's purposes to the point where art that is objected-to is quite often itself an objection, it's hard for me to fathom the chain of events here and I don't understand the thinking behind what is alleged of the officials involved. That a newspaper would initially play along is less surprising but of course just as distressing. That this story involves work by Arifur Rahman, whose 2009-2010 case in Bangladesh involving a cat named Muhammed seemed so alarmingly over the top to the point he moved halfway across the world with the help of rights advocates, that also has resonance.
posted 11:57 pm PST | Permalink

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