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December 2, 2004

Euro-Awards Everywhere You Look!

In a busy season for comics awards in Europe, Craig Thompson's taking of a top critic's prize for his Blankets graphic novel was not the only recent news.

image* Le grand Prix RTL de la BD, a media-generated award culled from various monthly award winners with a prize in the form of much free advertising, was given to Ou le regard ne porte pas by Georges Abolin and Olivier Pont (Dargaud). If nothing else, you have to go to the RTL BD site and look at the classy restaurant and generally handsome people at this award ceremony -- Monde Bizarro!

image* Le Prix International de la Ville de Geneve 2004 went to La Malle Sanderson, by Jean-Claude Gotting (Delcourt). I'm not all that familiar with this award -- I know, I probably should be -- but I notice that its line-up of past winners includes heavy hitters such as David B., Joann Sfar and Blutch, all three of whom are familiar to segments of the American market. They are also all really good, so that's a fine recommendation as far as I'm concerned.

image* Le Prix Rene Goscinny, which seems to be a juried prize intended for a younger writer (in terms of albums completed rather than age), went to Bruno Le Floc'h for the story in Trois eclats blancs (three white glares), published in the Mirages line from Delcourt. This is the writer's second comics album; the 47-year-old previously worked in animation.


The Comics Journal's contributing writer on modern European comics, Bart Beaty, has sent this site a fine letter that's worth a read to supplement the above.
posted 6:59 am PST | Permalink

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