April 9, 2015
Festivals Extra: Informa Exhibitions Obtains MegaCon

Shelly Mantei, the communications director at Informa Exhibitions,
sent out a press release today saying that company had acquired
MegaCon, a well-liked, mainstream-focused show that is held every year in Orlando. Informa is the group that runs show under the "Fan Expo" name. They have comics/pop-culture shows in cities including Vancouver, Regina, Dallas, and Toronto. The division they say handles "experiential pop culture exhibitions" is called FAN EXPO HQ.

MegaCon is an interesting show in that it's super well-liked and very well-attended. It has a core group of professionals, many with ties to Florida, that not only attend every year but proselytize on its behalf. It is 23 years old, and although I'm not sure how they counted attendees MegaCon claimed 90,000 of them in the hall last year.
I think these partnership work for a lot of shows because it provides some structure that might not be possible in support of one show, and allows for potential cross-promotional and cross-programming opportunities.
As you can tell from the logo used, the 2015 iteration of the convention is this weekend, starting tomorrow.
posted 1:25 am PST |
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